Core Values
Our values guide our work on behalf of the community.
1. Celebrate Diversity
As a Pride organization, we love to celebrate and uplift people being their authentic selves. We celebrate through large events like Pride in the Pines but also by uplifting the voices and perspectives of all our community through outreach and advocacy.
2. Visibility
Together we transform greater-Flagstaff each day into a safer place where community members are comfortable being out and visible. We increase visibility of challenges, inequities, and injustices and portray the LGBTQIA2S+ community as a vibrant and essential part of our community’s fabric.
3. Inclusive Community
We strive to build inclusive community accepting and welcoming of our diversities: cultural, racial, ethnic, gender, gender expression, sexual, and more. We embrace everything that makes all of us unique and special including our different types of families, heritages, and traditions.
4. Opportunity & Equity
Opportunity and equity are essential and intertwined with all our values. For Flagstaff to thrive as an inclusive community, LGBTQIA2S+ people must have access to resources (such as medical, mental health, and safe places) and they must feel economically and socially secure.
More About Us
“We have to be visible. We are not ashamed of who we are.”
Sylvia Rivera
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